Recruitment Overview

Gamecock undergraduates with a keen interest in exploring financial markets and careers are heavily encouraged to apply. Recruitment will take place at the beginning of each semester, and is open to students of all majors and backgrounds.

Recruitment is competitive and consists of multiple interview rounds with current members and faculty. However, students not admitted are encouraged to continue developing their skills and re-apply in future semesters.

Recruiting Timeline

1. Info Sessions

Attend our information sessions at the beginning of the semester to learn about the fund, meet current analysts, and help prepare for the recruitment process.

2. Application

Shortly after our info sessions, applications to join the fund will be due. These will include some basic questions, as well as a section to submit your current resumé. Please find the application to apply here.

3. Interview Process

A group of applicants will be selected to participate in a series of interviews with analysts and portfolio managers. These interviews are designed to test a candidate’s market knowledge, technical skills, and eagerness to learn.

4. New Member Onboarding

Those who are selected to join the fund will spend the rest of the semester deepening their knowledge and aptitude through extensive technical training. The onboarding process will involve modeling, case studies, and shadowing of senior analysts.

Recruitment FAQs

  • The ideal Garnet Fund candidate displays:

    • Knowledge of current market events

    • Understanding of basic technical finance and accounting concepts

    • Leadership, adaptability, and integrity

    • Intellectual curiosity and proactivity

  • Our interviews include a range of question types, including:

    • Behaviorals (e.g. “tell me about yourself”)

    • Finance and Accounting Technicals (e.g. “walk me through a DCF”, “what are the 3 main financial statements?”)

    • Market-related questons (e.g. “pitch me a stock”)

    • Read up on market news daily

    • Study Investment Banking 400 Question Guide

    • Have a stock pitch ready

    • Practice flashcards on IBVine.

    • Mock interview with current members

  • Many of our analysts are involved in The Carolina Fund. You can also find analysts in other Darla Moore organizations (e.g. The Gamecock Consulting Club, various business fraternities)

  • No! All majors are welcome to apply.

    Example: If you are a biology major, you may be a great fit for the Healthcare team.